Pastor Irene Huang – Bible Overview (4) Chronicles (part 1)
- Apr
- 09
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- Posted in Sermon
1, What is history?
1)History has two levels
a. The events that happened before
b. Understanding the past and interpretation
2, The importance of history
1)Develop and increase our understanding of the past— enlarge our live experiences, perspectives— knowledge will be deeper as well
2)Many people in the world has philosophies in life, so that we know what not to do or say
3)Can learn and obey certain “examples”
4)Personal education will be elevated
3.Read old testament chronicles can
1)Learn from history
2)Learn from examples of the great people in the Bible
3)God’s working principle
4.The categories of Chronicles
1)History before the formation of the kingdom
a. Joshua
b. Judges
c. Ruth
2)History of the kingdom
a.1 and 2 Samuel
b.1 and 2 Kings
c.1 and 2 Chronicles
3)Returning home after death of the kingdom
a. Ezra
b. Nehemiah
c. Esther
5.The 7 periods of Israel Nation
1) Period of the tribes: from Abraham to Jacob and his 12 sons (head of the tribes)
2) From Egypt after Jacob’s time until Exodus
3) Wander in the wilderness and fighting Palestine
4) Judges time
5) The united kingdom from Saul to Solomon
6) The divided kingdom
7) Exile and taken captive period
6.How to read biblical history
1)Read deeper
a. Use teaching books, annotated Bibles
b. Scriptures connected by topics
c. Study single Bible characters topics
2) Think more
a) Read about geography, history background textbooks
b) Ask “Why”