Pastor Irene Huang – Who lead you here?
- Apr
- 30
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- Posted in Sermon
Scripture:Judges 18:3 Who lead you here??
1.For some reason ,we came here: Pioneer church、Friends/family live here、
Visiting/traveling, house here is affordable、Marriage、Work、School、Retirement——
In our lives, every decision, footsteps is God leading us
Are you reaching the goals when you moved here?
2.We are all cells that make up the church,we all play different role to achieve great commission.
Patrick’s testimony
3.Church is like a heavenly corporation, and in this company, everyone has different jobs
Worship leader, children teacher, usher, prayer warrior, community volunteer, youth minister, counselor, people in business who spreads the gospel…
You are part of the church either by being an usher, teacher, ect, all wheels in the machine, that would not spin without all the part.
The church that works with God is like a heavenly corporation and reaching this goal.
4.First have growth in church
• A. numbers
• B life
• C. influence
Some things have to work together:
A. Consistent attendance
B. Equipping
C. Part